Title: Gravity Journal
Author: Gail Sidonie Sobat
Publisher: Geat Plains Publications 2008
Awards/Nominations: White Pine Awards; Official Selection
Summary: 16 year-old Anise suffers from anorexia. Being hospitalized for the third time, she turns to her journal. Her journal-the place where she can make scathing ovservations about her family, other people, the world and life in general. Will Anise decide whether to live or die?
Comments: VERY intriguing book! Lately I've been reading about troubled girls that write in their journals. Most have been enjoyable but this book stuck out at me. I'ts full of angst & bitterness, but at times there is a lighter side of Anise. The whole time while I was reading I couldn't get over the fact that Anise thought she was fat. At the begining , she weighed a feeble 44kg ( around 88-90 lbs) at 5'9!!! I found this frightening that a girl just like Anise could be suffering this atrocious disease.
Rating: 5/5 stars, perfect for anyone who needs a bit of a downer or a touch of reality.
Genre: fictional journal/ real life